Saturday, June 28, 2008

Congrats to Nat!

Our girl took 3rd place(out of 5) at her first swim meet last night. She swam 2 heats, back stroke and free style and place 3rd each time. Natalie was so nervous she was in tears, but after the first heat, she was fine. We're so proud of you Nat, way to go!

Our next meet is in 2 weeks, good luck baby!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Do people in these times forget their manners? I beginning to think so. Have you ever come across some that you know in the grocery store or in Target, and you either give a nod hello and wave, or you give a polite Hello, how are you and continue on your way?
Well I recently "ran into" someone I know, and by running into I mean we literally almost ran into one another. I did my polite Hello, and she gave me a look like I was the plague, and then proceeded on her way as if this incident never occurred and I don't exist. So how did I handle it? As loudly as I could(without embarrassing Natalie) I said HELLO again. I think I got my point across!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ford Lake Vacation 2008

Photo Hunt

I soppose the theme this week is water. Thats very easy for me to do this week! Here it is!


I'm Back!

I made it back from vacation, and I am stuck home doing laundry. I think that is the worst thing about coming home, is all the laundry.

We stayed in a little cottage on Ford Lake in Fountain, MI. That's about a 3 hour drive from where we live. Natalie did well on the ride up and back, I had plenty of snacks and I would like to thank Mr. Ninetendo, and Mrs. DVD player! The weather was a bit cooler this year, so unfortunately Natalie couldn't do a lot of swimming. But we did have some boat rides, I did catch a fish, and we all ate very very well!

I usually only fish about 2-3 times a year, only because I really don't have the patience for it. But I got lucky, this time. I caught a pumpkinseed blue gill, on a pink bober! ohh, life is good. Start planning for next year....I'm working on getting some pictures on...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I need a vacation!

I did not realize that life would be busier once school let out. It seems like I don't have any time left at the end of the day to do anything, and I feel like I have neglected my blog. Maybe its because the weather is nicer and we've been spending more and more time outside. Natalie's garden is coming along nicely. Her tomatoes are coming along great! Natalie is starting to get back in the swim mode. But its really all about the horse riding right now. We have made several trips to the stable just to give carrots and apple treats to Duke & Golly. I'm still wondering if this is a phase or a real deal!
Well since I've been neglecting the blog, I have been working on a website for Natalie and her new hobby. It's still under construction, but I think its coming along well. Click here to view.
We leave for vacation on Saturday, we are going up north and there is no wi-fi where we are going. There are also no phones. It will be tough, but I will suffer through :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

See how much I've grown

We are so proud of you Natalie! Your garden is growing. She has lettuce, beans and tomato growing. All that love, should reap benefits....

Monday, June 9, 2008

List List List

Since Anthony is done teaching his high school class for the summer, he gets to spend his whole summer with Natalie. What kind of trouble can they get themselves into???
I'm struggling here because today was Anthony's first day on the job and Natalie called me 4 times at work today "I'm bored." So I've come up with the idea of making a "schedule" of things to do during the day for each day of the week, so Natalie knows exactly whats going on and hopefully avoid those phone calls.
I got a little help from a website called chartjungle. They have printable calendars and charts to fill in. Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What should I do?

I am debating on enrolling in and EMT-B course to acquire a license. Now what is the problem. I'm not sure I like the idea of having to touch people. So here's my thoughts on this. I take the class, and decide if I can get over the "issue" of touching people, I will take the state test to get my license. But if the touching issue still exists, it'll be just knowledge up there in the noggin.

Anthony thinks I'm nuts.............Takes one to know one!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Heads or Tails


Unconscious Mutterings

I haven't played in awhile....

  1. Gossipping :: girls

  2. Misplaced :: lost

  3. Spaceship :: star wars

  4. Ignore :: rude

  5. Bodily :: harm

  6. Tweezers :: eyebrows

  7. Goodnight :: sweet dreams

  8. Curls :: Natalie's hair

  9. Faucet :: leak

  10. Right? :: wrong