Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just some Random Thoughts

After putting the kid to bed, I'm sitting here thinking about my latest project (my website). I have American Idol on TV in the background,but I'm really not paying attention to it. I have my favorites, and they have already performed. Anthony is gone to a Fire Department meeting.
I had a call yesturday from another Fireman's wife, asking if I wanted to join a lady's auxilary. I'm thinking its a good idea to support our men, who have an incredible job to do. So the first meeting is tomorrow night, and I will see what its all about.
I think the goal for the ladies, is to raise enough money to pay for the firemans appreciation dinner that happens every year. Each year, we have a dinner party for the men, but the department usually pays the bill. Us ladies want to be able to plan the party for next year, and pay for it ourselves. I'm interested in finding out what kind of ideas we can come up with to accomplish this. Stay tuned.......