Monday, April 14, 2008

Meal Planning

This is where I could use alot of help. I struggle with planning meals. I work part time and after work I help care for my Nana (she recently had a stroke), and then Natalie has swimming, and I have my workout classes at the Y. Anthony works almost every evening. I need help, someone help me please! I would love to be able to get off work and know exactly what we are having that's nutritious, simple and quick!


Barbara said...

Hi! You have a lot going but sometimes you need to eek out a little prep time to be able to eat a healthy meal at home.
Do you have more time on the weekend to be able to make double and freeze some meals? Check into crockpot meals and do the prep in the morning? There is so much out there, you just need to start.
Checking out some of the other menus at will be inspirational and hopefully get you motivated to just write it down!
I wish you the best of luck!

Cottage in the City! said...

sometimes it is easier to just buy things that would not require alot of prep or cooking time. Like if you had a George Foreman grill or one like it, you could set out some boneless chicken or a hamburger pattie or 2 and have some salad with it or a steamed veggie. Spaghetti freezes well. And casseroles can be life savers. Just a little prep time when you have an extra few minutes could yield big results. Your daughter I am sure would love to help you put some meals together for the freezer or get the crock pot ready. I hope it helps. Go to or or All great sites with a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips and they link to other great sites as well. The possiblities are endless.

ListPlanIt said...

I plan for 2 weeks of meals and create my shopping list at the same time. If you are sitting down to plan, might as well get the most out of it. I read somewhere that people usually spend an extra $10 everytime they visit a store. So, the fewer trips you make, the more money (and time) you'll save :-)