Sunday, May 11, 2008

Photo Hunters


My pretty blue eyed girl


Nicole said...

Not that I'm biased, but I love blue eyes, too!

Natalie's are beautiful!

Medgirl said...

Oh boy.. better keep them boys away, those pretty blue eyes are going to cause trouble :) She's beautiful.. I'm a Firefighter/Paramedic too.. On leave due to back injury..then I had my son..would love to chat with you more!!

Medgirl said...

I feel your pain! I hope my little one outgrows his like the literature says. Have you tried using aveeno stuff for her?? Maybe she's still having reactions to certain materials or fabrics?? Have an air purifier?? May help reduce allergens in the air (in her room)..I don't know..just brainstorming..:)

A Horse Mom said...

That Aveeno stuff is fantastic! I have switched us all over to that. I didn't have a break out all winter, I was thrilled. I know how it is, we can only use certain products because of the sensitivity. It's a trail and error thing...

Medgirl said...

I got it as a forwarded email..wish I knew who wrote it. It made me cry!