Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Tree

Does anyone have their tree up yet? I'm not allowed to even think about Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving. It seems every year Christmas gets here faster and faster and there is just not enough time to get everything done. I'm sitting here at my computer tonight, listening to it snow/hail outside and wonder how I can plan on not having to do everything last minute. I do this every year, I always say I'm not going to do last minute shopper this year, and it never fails, its Christmas Eve and I'm at Meijers getting wrapping paper, cookies, baking supplies and whatever else I procrastinated about for the last 3 weeks. UGH, I want to waive a magic wand and have everything done and wrapped and under the tree.
First things first, I need to get the tree! Our family tradition is that we go to this tree farm near Indiana. We get all bundled up and climb on the trailer pulled by horses with sleigh bells (my favorite sound at Christmas) and go out to the field and start the hunt. In years past, it has always been my job to pick out the tree. I had no experience picking out a tree, so of course I'd find the perfect looking one, Anthony would cut it down and when we got it home, he'd scream "Could you find a tree with a more crooked trunk?" So to solve this problem, it is now Natalie's job to pick the tree, that way there is no comments made about the tree trunk! When the tree is picked out, we ride back to the store, and pick out this years "family" ornament. A cup of cocoa later, we are on our way home to decorate our tree.
Here's my favorite picture of theses moments....

To view all our Christmas tree picking memories click here


Nicole said...

I loved the slideshow. The daddy/daughter pictures were precious, and I loved the snow-white Clydesdales. What a great tradition!
Procrastinating, that is a tradition I would like to eliminate from my holidays, too.

Maybe later. ha ha

Fun post!

Allison R said...

I already have my tree up (it's been up since Nov 2)!!! I just couldn't wait any longer to put it up. I even had gifts wrapped and placed under it.