It's back! American Idol is back and hysterical as ever. The auditions are crazy. I can't believe people believe they really sound that well. And why is it they act so crazy? I like to watch the audition part of it, because it gives me a chance to crack up after a long day.
This is my 150th post, since I started my blog almost a year ago. When I started this blog, I honestly thought I would start it and never finish it. Its been good for me to continue this because I feel like it gives Natalie some history about her childhood, now tween (oh lord help me)
I just learned the Natalie's new Brownie troop wants to spend their profit from their cookies sales on a trip to Chicago for American Girl store. Now I realize that this is a once in a lifetime experience for Natalie, however, I have been putting off buying her the doll for as loooooong as possible. Well I think that day has finally come. I wonder if Grandma would go halfsie?
The next trip they want to go on is a trip to Traverse City, Great Wolf Lodge. OMG, how much fun would that be. I'm so looking forward to that, as I always wanted to go, and now I finally get to! Yeah, Spring can't come soon enough.
Back In The Saddle
8 years ago
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