Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Summer life

I realize that Zumba is now the "in" workout of the decade, but my gosh, its kicking my butt! This is really a good thing, I know. When it makes you sweat in the first 10 minutes you know this is good and I'm hooked!

I'm so looking forward to this summer, I want sunshine. No more spelling words, book reports, math problems or band lessons. I want longer days, and Kilwins ice cream on a warm summer night. I want lazy beach days, and summer festival food. Along with all this is the county fair. Natalie will be showing her horse and it will be long days of pure torture but will be so worth it. Ribbons and pride will be on our minds.

All set to go in our Show Clothes!

Stay Tuned, Starlight and Natalie are Team Pantaleo!

Now with all this ice cream and fair food I will be eating I will have to continue the Zumba workouts I'm sure!


Zorina said...

Is that your horse I love animals.

Mars Mell-o said...

you ride horse? cool!! :)